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My First Experience with Plant Melody – Leslie

Plant Melody - Meditation With Plants, Testimonial, Leslie Ginnes, Plant Lover, Writer

My First Experience with Plant Melody

When I first learned about Plant Melody I thought, ‘I am perfect for this app.’ I have been a houseplant parent since I was at least 14. On the other hand, meditation and I have always struggled to find compatibility. I must be honest it bored me, I cannot multi- task when meditating.

A New Approach to Meditation

Plant Melody, meditating with and for your plants seemed to me an opportunity to approach meditation from a different perspective while giving antioxidants to my plants via sound. It struck me as a perfect addition to the myriad of new practices encouraging wholeness and wellness; Goat Yoga and Labyrinth Walking come to mind two things I don’t do but love the idea of doing.

Managing Expectations

I wanted to maintain an open mind, but I had inadvertently put this sweet potential in a frame of expectation. Of course, we all bring expectations even by trying not to. We never know how our observations or expectations can change the thing we are about to do.

First Experience with Plant Melody

The App Library of plant and human meditations is small, I chose the first of the two choices, within the Cactus category. My Christmas Cactus holds deep meaning for me. It is the fourth planting of my best friend’s cactus, which I received when she passed away. Since the cactus drapes over the edge of the bowl on one side, I placed it on a table so it could fall easily and sat in front of it, in a cushioned chair. Tapping the play icon, the techno music began in earnest. My plant was ready, but I was not. I mentally scrambled to catch up.

Adjusting to the Experience

I confess during the 15 minutes I wasn’t focused on the plant so much as dealing with the plant’s safety, the questions that popped up; what I should be doing with hands, should my eyes be open or closed? I didn’t have the space to be with my friends’ memory as planned. I would need to try again.

Trying Again with Baby Succulent

The next day, after finishing my 15 minutes, while jotting down a couple of notes, and re-reading the day before, I realized I had completely forgotten my idea of being more present with my friend. I had decided instead to attend to my baby succulent, the sole survivor of this years’ frost. It needed some company so, I transplanted the survivor into the container with 3 new cousins. I figured I would do our love thing first and then I would put on the track for transplanting afterwards.

Second Meditation Attempt

I chose the second track for my 15-minute human and plant meditation. I was better prepared when the tonal music began than yesterday. My fingertips were touching the soil, and my eyes were open looking at each tiny plant.

Unexpected Experience

And then, just like that, I was transported to a place of whales, surrounded by their song. I completely forgot about my plants. Minutes later the whales departed. I struggled to listen to the tones to find my way back but without success. I felt disconcerted. I felt like I had failed but I was also feeling happy from my time with the whales. The baby succulents had their dose of tonal health, I was sure. I wanted clarity but thought acceptance would be the more useful pursuit.

Continuing the Journey

When I next tried the app, I was hoping to hear the whales, to bring Patty and her cactus into that space. I held her name in my mind and my fingertips in the empty space on the soil. For a very short time we were together and then once again, my mind left.

Memory of South Africa

There are a series of languages called the Khoisan languages in the Cape Town area of South Africa. I heard it the first-time riding down from the top of Table-Top Mountain in a gondola. Looking out the windows as we descended out of the clouds that had enveloped us, I heard clicking noises. The clicking was as loud enough to be heard over the ambient conversations and mechanical whirring’s. It sort-of sounded like mahjong tiles or the sound of Pic Up Stix falling. It filled the section in which I sat. Then I realized with great surprise, the 4 men standing in front of me were making those sounds, clearly in conversation, with hand gestures and body movements emphasizing their talking points. It was extraordinary.

Connection to the App

What pulled me out of the now was the clicking sounds on the audio track the same one I heard the whales but had totally missed it. The clicking sounds brought me right back to the gondola in South Africa. I was there for nearly all the 15 minutes. I don’t think I fell asleep. I was transported and it was a lovely way to spend a few minutes thinking about something I had not thought of in years.

Plant Meditation With Succulents - Plant Melody App, Music For Plants

Reflecting on the Experience

My different sittings gave rise to experiences that were perhaps, not what the designers intended. It was certainly different from other meditations I tried. It was a curious and engaging experience. Being given the gift of gentle transportation cannot be a bad thing.

Final Thoughts

I am reasonably certain that my plants response was as intended. I cannot explain why, but it is a strong and true feeling. It does make me wonder about how others will experience their Plant Melody trip. I would love to know.

/ Leslie Ginness – Writer, Plant Lover



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